Tag Archives: love
Story Snippet – Edith

Stan wove the green spotted tie round pulling it as tight as he could manage. His hands trembled. It had been years since he’d tied his own tie. Edith had done that for him. He checked himself in the mirror, … Continue reading
Tribute: Paddy Lawrence

It has been a whirlwind and maybe I have survived and maybe I didn’t, I guess time will tell. One thing is for sure I never want to go through that again. The other thing that is sure is that … Continue reading
Commercial Potential
It had taken a long time to get to this point. Many years wasted, wishing on the ‘never going to happen’ star. Followed by many years of gentle hints that I might possibly wish to forgo the annual cold wet … Continue reading
Date for Love
I stepped into the supermarket last weekend to pick up a pint of milk, well 6 pints actually as one pint in our house does not go far. The first thing to hit me was the huge display of flowers … Continue reading