Monthly Archives: May 2016
Damask Rose Cottage – Story Snippet

I have to confess; I really did not listen to my head at all. When I saw the cottage; I fell in love there and then. There was something about the Virginia creeper that crept obsessively over the front of … Continue reading
Making Time
Lists, lists and more lists! My days run to a prescribed set of instructions that I have transposed into a list of what I am to do today, my bucket list of what I want to do in my life, … Continue reading
Chicken or Egg
Visit or make up? I found myself in Ireland the other week celebrating St Patrick’s Day with my brother who reached his significant half century on the very day. “As the Irish have so kindly laid on a party each … Continue reading
Seize that Intention
Is it me? Or has the last year gone so fast I cannot catch my breath. As far as writing is concerned I have done sporadic in depth sessions and certainly have a new Nano book “Destination” waiting for editing. … Continue reading
Making Time
Lists, lists and more lists! My days run to a prescribed set of instructions that I have transposed into a list of what I am to do today, my bucket list of what I want to do in my life, … Continue reading