Tag Archives: SWANWICK
Out of Reach

Space and time are great levellers. I arrived back recently from my visit to Winchester Writers Festival. A focused, intense festival for all kinds of writers. Stepping through, what seemingly on the outside appeared like a normal pub door was … Continue reading
Making Time
Lists, lists and more lists! My days run to a prescribed set of instructions that I have transposed into a list of what I am to do today, my bucket list of what I want to do in my life, … Continue reading
Back to School
The trunk needed packing, it lay open and waiting on the bed. As normal a variety of new clothes had been bought and waited to go in the case. I knew for certain that I had not grown any taller … Continue reading
Parental Pick-up
It is not often these days I do the school run but I had to this week and I now realise how far my life has changed. For 13 years I had children in primary school and although there were many … Continue reading
Stirred and Shaken
I cannot believe how quickly a year has gone by. As the weekend neared, the excitement laced with large drops of trepidation intoxicated my every movement. It was never about not holidaying with the family, but rather more joining my … Continue reading
Hold that Front Page!
I have always wanted to say that, in the same way I want to jump in a London Cab and yell “follow that cab”. I have to say that I did achieve the cab one a few years ago, not … Continue reading
To Become or Not To Become!
I was tired. Not just from lack of sleep but from the learning overload and insightful knowledge that I had gained over the week. There was also a sadness tugging at the emotions and the tangible fear of returning to … Continue reading
What’s in a Name?
The journey went too quickly despite every procrastinating ploy to postpone the inevitable arrival. Just to calm the hyperactive hefalumps practising their aerobic workout in the depth of my stomach I pulled off the road just before the entrance to … Continue reading
New Chapter
Like many mothers at this time of year I watched my child close not only a page of his life story but a whole chapter. Mini Son has just left primary and is about to launch himself into all the … Continue reading