Tag Archives: MEMORIES
Tribute: Paddy Lawrence

It has been a whirlwind and maybe I have survived and maybe I didn’t, I guess time will tell. One thing is for sure I never want to go through that again. The other thing that is sure is that … Continue reading
Making Time
Lists, lists and more lists! My days run to a prescribed set of instructions that I have transposed into a list of what I am to do today, my bucket list of what I want to do in my life, … Continue reading
To Become or Not To Become!
I was tired. Not just from lack of sleep but from the learning overload and insightful knowledge that I had gained over the week. There was also a sadness tugging at the emotions and the tangible fear of returning to … Continue reading
Commercial Potential
It had taken a long time to get to this point. Many years wasted, wishing on the ‘never going to happen’ star. Followed by many years of gentle hints that I might possibly wish to forgo the annual cold wet … Continue reading
Déjà Vu
I would never class myself as well off in monetary terms, it is an aspiration yet to be reached. However outside the world of filthy lucre I feel I have been richly rewarded; my ever enduring Sexy Sporty Dad, three … Continue reading
Broken Sentiment
We had been invited to, probably the last BBQ this summer. It was Saturday afternoon and the sun had been shinning all day. Unusually I had no food to prepare and things were quiet in the house. We were bringing … Continue reading
Waste Not : Want Not
I am sorry to admit that my writing; which I would list as my number one passion has had to take a very definite back seat at the moment. I promise this is not an on-going state of affairs but … Continue reading
Battered not Broken
It is so difficult as a mother watching your child hurt themselves. I now also know that it doesn’t get any easier with time. I find it so easy to step back and remember the moment when that perfect little … Continue reading
Broken Resolutions
Happy New Year. I hope the festive season brought all you desired wrapped in love, health and happiness. My biggest complaint; that it was not long enough, and I feel propelled into the New Year having not stopped for breath. … Continue reading