Category Archives: Uncategorized

It came as much of a surprise to me as to many others I suspect. I have noticed a determination to take my writing somewhere, this year, almost a hunger tinged still with a big sense of self-doubt. I take … Continue reading
I returned to my favourite week of the year; Swanwick. The trepidation never dissipates and the fear still accompanied me up the long driveway. Was I good enough? Who would remember me? Why was I pretending to be a writer? … Continue reading
Out of Control
Isn’t it funny how sometimes no matter what you do and what carefully laid plans you may have spent hours formalising; life just throws curve balls so fast you cannot return them all. And this time what a curve ball. … Continue reading
Making Time
Lists, lists and more lists! My days run to a prescribed set of instructions that I have transposed into a list of what I am to do today, my bucket list of what I want to do in my life, … Continue reading
Chicken or Egg
Visit or make up? I found myself in Ireland the other week celebrating St Patrick’s Day with my brother who reached his significant half century on the very day. “As the Irish have so kindly laid on a party each … Continue reading
Seize that Intention
Is it me? Or has the last year gone so fast I cannot catch my breath. As far as writing is concerned I have done sporadic in depth sessions and certainly have a new Nano book “Destination” waiting for editing. … Continue reading
Drive Across Britain – Okehampton
I do feel a bit of a fraud, I went on my run this morning – hardly but it was beautiful walking up towards the Ashbury Hotel from my lovely accommodation at Fairway Lodge in Thorndon Cross. The mist was … Continue reading
Back to School
The trunk needed packing, it lay open and waiting on the bed. As normal a variety of new clothes had been bought and waited to go in the case. I knew for certain that I had not grown any taller … Continue reading
Spring Cleaning
The sun has got his hat on and is coming out to play. Have we finally got through all that bad weather and the continual flooding and misery? Is the sun going to stay with us for a while? Time … Continue reading
Stranger Danger
We are so politically correct these days that sometimes I wonder if things have gone too far. I know historically there have been abuses in all walks of life but as youngsters we lived full and enriched lives. We were … Continue reading