Category Archives: Story Snippets
Story Snippet – Shortlisted
Delighted to have been shortlisted in the Lancashire Authors Association 100-word competition. Honeymoon 2004 I returned to where our dreams were to start; but where my nightmares still haunt. The hotel, no longer romantic wooden huts opening onto the beach. … Continue reading
Story Snippet – Edith

Stan wove the green spotted tie round pulling it as tight as he could manage. His hands trembled. It had been years since he’d tied his own tie. Edith had done that for him. He checked himself in the mirror, … Continue reading
Story Snippet – Poppy

Standing tall, sentinel almost, the deep red caught the rising sun. A gentle breeze allowed it to sway chivalrous in its solitude. Acres of grass reach out to the new day, not knowing it would be hay before the sun … Continue reading
Stilettos – Story Snippet
She entered the room last, everybody turned to stare. Her dress down to her ankles clung so tight to her slim body, it revealed nothing underneath. It clung snakelike as she moved, the colours shimmering and catching in the light. … Continue reading
Owl – Story Snippet
Hours of endless waiting; I stayed. I drove to you daily. I slept on the chair resting my head on your bed, many a time. I held your hand and fed you sips of water if nothing else. I listened … Continue reading
Sprinkling the Magic -Story Snippet
This was a piece I was asked to write for a workshop. It was all a bit rushed but tries to capture the spooky season with a slightly different take. It was a large full moon that lit the starless … Continue reading
Damask Rose Cottage – Story Snippet

I have to confess; I really did not listen to my head at all. When I saw the cottage; I fell in love there and then. There was something about the Virginia creeper that crept obsessively over the front of … Continue reading