Category Archives: Writing
Zulu Warrior

I do not actually own a copy of “The Zulu Principle” by Jim Slater although I have often quoted the phrase. Maybe if writing does not work out for me, it might be money well invested if I buy the … Continue reading
New Chapters

I don’t even know where to begin… 2017 is done and maybe for the best. There were many things that happened to me over the year but the one that will always be connected to that year will be the … Continue reading
Out of Reach

Space and time are great levellers. I arrived back recently from my visit to Winchester Writers Festival. A focused, intense festival for all kinds of writers. Stepping through, what seemingly on the outside appeared like a normal pub door was … Continue reading
A job by any other name

I am a writer. At what point does that claim become true? I was at a meeting this week and the discussion was around an article that needed to be written for the local press. Someone turned to me and … Continue reading
First and Last

“The room still smelt of sex and sweat.” It was such a great first line, but despite that fabulous start the rest of the story didn’t deliver. I have rewritten it time and time again, with different protagonists, different themes … Continue reading
Sprinkling the Magic -Story Snippet
This was a piece I was asked to write for a workshop. It was all a bit rushed but tries to capture the spooky season with a slightly different take. It was a large full moon that lit the starless … Continue reading
Making Time
Lists, lists and more lists! My days run to a prescribed set of instructions that I have transposed into a list of what I am to do today, my bucket list of what I want to do in my life, … Continue reading
Chicken or Egg
Visit or make up? I found myself in Ireland the other week celebrating St Patrick’s Day with my brother who reached his significant half century on the very day. “As the Irish have so kindly laid on a party each … Continue reading
Seize that Intention
Is it me? Or has the last year gone so fast I cannot catch my breath. As far as writing is concerned I have done sporadic in depth sessions and certainly have a new Nano book “Destination” waiting for editing. … Continue reading